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Sermon Title: The Peace, Power and Providence of God; Phil. 4:6-7

"Learning that truly trusting God's Providence in prayer leads to a peace that only He can provide."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/02/2025 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 3/2/2025. Have you ever prayed to God about something, and then felt that your words more or less just "bounced off the ceiling"; that you really weren't getting through to God at all? There isn't much peace in those prayers is there? And then, on other occasions, have you prayed in a different way, fully trusting in God's power, His goodness, and His Providential will and you are left with an almost inexplicable sense of peace-- knowing that your future is in God's hands? Paul will address this situation by revealing that God's peace is like joy, love and the other fruits of the Spirit-- it is a gifted, supernatural peace that comes when we truly trust wholly in the power and providence of God.