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Sermon Title: The Preeminent 'Ashlar' of the Kingdom; Luke 20:16-19

"Exalting the preeminence of the perfectly dressed Stone the builders rejected."

Recorded on: Thursday, 02/27/2025 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 2/27/2025. As we wrap up our study of the parable of the wicked tenants, we will look at the poignant commentary Jesus includes to amplify the parable. He quotes from a deeply Messianic Old Testament Psalm that the "Stone the builders rejected has become the Cornerstone". We will analyze closely both the literal and symbolic meaning of this statement, applying the various aspects of the analogy to the matching metaphors in the parable. We will learn what an "ashlar" is and then expound on the themes of judgment and warning that are included in the parable. Ultimately, we will see both sides of the Gospel, realizing that regardless of whether you accept Him or reject Him-- Jesus remains the Preeminent Ashlar of the Kingdom.