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Sermon Title: Lessons on Kingdom Significance; Luke 18:15-17

"Jesus teaches practical and spiritual lessons concerning Kingdom significance and those who will ultimately enter the Kingdom of God."

Recorded on: Sunday, 11/24/2024 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 11/24/2024. As Jesus and His disciples make their way towards Jerusalem and the Cross, they stop along the way while parents bring their babies and young children to Jesus to be blessed. Considering this to be a nuisance, the disciples try to block the children from coming to Jesus. But the Lord immediately turns the situation around, rebukes His disciples and summons the children to come to Him-- unimpeded and without hesitation. He then uses the situation to teach His disciples several valuable lessons concerning the ministry of the church and who will ultimately gain entry into the Kingdom of God. We will evaluate these lessons focusing on Jesus' love of the marginalized, what He means when He says "child-likeness" is a Kingdom-requirement, and his strict warning for His disciples (and therefore the church) to never, ever create roadblocks for those He is drawing to Himself. Considered together, and placed in the context of the parables that surround it, these are profound and powerful lessons on Kingdom significance.