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Sermon Title: Learning the Art of Following; Phil 3:17-19

"Learning the importance of only following those who are following Jesus."

Recorded on: Sunday, 11/17/2024 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 11/17/2024. As Paul continues his discourse on striving for Christ-likeness, he switches metaphors from struggling through a race with eyes on the finish to "walking" in a manner that is Christ-like. He then goes on to give examples both of those we should "walk with" and those we should not. We will start with the examples of the "enemies of the Cross" who we should never follow and learn how we can detect them by the marks of their behavior. Then we will back up and consider Paul's encouragement to imitate him and other mature Christians who are closely following Jesus. In essence we will learn how to determine those we should follow by only following those who are following Jesus. In short, by following Jesus exclusively we will learn the all-important sanctified lessons of the art of following.