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Sermon Title: The Joy of Serving Jesus; Acts 5:41

"Pastor Jepthe preaches on a joy that surpasses suffering."

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/02/2024 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 6/2/2024. In Acts 5:41, we find a beautiful depiction of the theme: "the joy of serving Jesus." This passage takes place after the apostles were arrested for preaching and performing miracles in the name of Jesus. Despite being flogged and threatened, they remained steadfast in their faith and devotion to Christ. Upon their release, the apostles left the presence of the Sanhedrin rejoicing because they were counted worthy to suffer for Jesus. This verse holds significant meaning for all believers. It reminds us that serving Jesus is not always easy or without challenges. However, instead of being discouraged or disheartened by opposition, we are encouraged to find joy in the privilege of serving our Lord. May Acts 5:41 inspire us to embrace the joy of serving Jesus, allowing our lives to be vessels of His love and light, even in the midst of difficulties. May our joy be a witness to others of the transformative power of Christ in our lives.