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Sermon Title: Lights in a Perverse World; Phil. 2:14-16

"Paul establishes goals to help Christians and churches prepare themselves to be Lights in a perverse world."

Recorded on: Sunday, 05/19/2024 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 5/19/2024. Like a lighthouse on a rocky promontory marking the entrance to a safe harbor, Paul encourages Christians and churches to strive for goals of Christian excellence for a reason. As we will see, this is not just for personal piety, but to impact the crooked and perverse culture they live in and fulfill their calling. We will analyze these familiar goals and explain how they work together with the Spirit of Christ, both individually and corporately as a church, to shine the Light of truth into the darkness. Ultimately we will find that if there is any pride to be found in Christianity it is in the fruit born by our Lord as He accomplishes the mission and purpose of His church using the likes of us as Lights in a Perverse world