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Sermon Title: When the Narrow Door Shuts; Luke 13:25-30

"Analyzing Jesus' dire warning of the devastating consequences when the Door to the Kingdom of God is forever shut."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/10/2024 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 3/10/2024. After establishing that the door to the Kingdom of God is narrow and that one must strive with the greatest intensity to enter through it, Jesus now turns His attention to what happens when the door shuts. We have already realized that Jesus is that Door and the prudent person will heed His advice and do everything possible to combat the culture and develop a close relationship with Him. In the same way, it will be Jesus who eventually shuts that door and those who have not "strived" to enter through it will be forever cast outside. We will analyze the pitiful dialogue that follows and discuss the surprise and anger that those under the delusion of a false salvation will experience when they realize they have ignored God's "kindness" and now face His "severity". Because Jesus primarily applies this harsh reality to the apostate religious community of His day, we will do the same with the church of our day-- trying to convey the devastating consequences when the Narrow Door shuts!