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Sermon Title: The Heart of Paul's Joy; Phil. 1:18-26

"Paul's testimony of the preeminence of Christ whether in life or in death."

Recorded on: Sunday, 02/18/2024 at 06:30 PM

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Delivered during the Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship, 02/18/2024. Paul continues to reveal how he can be joyful regardless of his circumstances. Simply put, the heart of Paul's joy is Christ. If he lives, he lives for Christ, if he dies he goes to Christ. Either way, his whole focus is Christ. This is the boundless spring from which his joy flows. We will realize from Paul's own description of the conundrum he is in that he would prefer to depart and be with Jesus but is willing to remain because it is better for the Kingdom in general and the church at Philippi in particular. Ultimately we will ask ourselves if our view of our own death is aligned with Paul's, and if not-- why not and what can be done about it?