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Sermon Title: Avoiding Unmarked Graves; Luke 11:37-44

"Jesus unmasks the nature of religious hypocrisy and the devastating impact it can have on the spiritually unaware."

Recorded on: Sunday, 09/10/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 9/10/2023. After a deep Theological discussion of spiritual Light and darkness, Jesus turns His attention to the ultimate example of spiritual depravity-- the religious hypocrite. Focusing on the Pharisees of His day, He methodically begins to unmask the wretched state of the inner darkness of their souls and contrast it sharply with their outward pretension of religious piety. We will pay careful attention to each of Jesus' examples of their deceptive nature, including the first three of six "woes" directed specifically at the Pharisees. Ultimately we will identify important principles from the text that will help us unmask religious hypocrisy in all ages, and thereby (to use one of Jesus' woes) avoid the unmarked graves!