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Sermon Title: On Love And Judgment; Luke 11:29-32

"Discovering how God's love is manifest even in the preaching of impending judgment."

Recorded on: Sunday, 08/27/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday Morning Worship Service, 8/27/2023. In this second part of Luke's discussion of the danger of "seeking signs" we will find ourselves once again analyzing the "sign of Jonah" and how it relates to Christ as a sign of both judgment and redemption. Our study will be aided by two illustrations Jesus gives of the condemnation incurred when the clear revelation of God through His Revealed Word is ignored. While pondering God's motivation for sending Jonah to Nineveh, we will once again realize the close correlation with Jesus' mission and purpose in coming to the "silent planet". We will find that even in the preaching of impending Judgment, God's mercy and compassion is manifest. Ultimately we will recognize yet a third objective of the "Cosmic Initiative"-- for Jesus to introduce the world to the unfathomable Love of the Father.