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Sermon Title: The Immoveable Feast; Luke 10:38-42

"Learning the Kingdom priority of pursuing Christ and His Word."

Recorded on: Sunday, 06/18/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 06/18/2023. When a lawyer asked Jesus how to inherit eternal life, Jesus prompted him to summarize the Law and the prophets and thereby establish the preeminence of loving God above all other endeavors. Luke then moves us fluidly to a profound illustration of this principle in the house of two sisters named Martha and Mary. Martha is trying to prepare a feast for Jesus and His entourage while Mary chooses to sit at His feet "feasting" on every word that He says. When Martha's frustration at Mary's perceived indolence boils over, Jesus lovingly rebukes her by pointing out that Mary's "feast" will "never move" but stay with her forever. We will analyze the deep significance of these words and how they relate to the priorities of the Christian life. Ultimately, we will realize why Mary has the "better portion" and why her feast on the Bread of Life is the eternally immoveable feast.