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Sermon Title: The Majestic Suffering Servant; Luke 9:43-45

"Trying to reconcile the Majesty and Suffering of Christ."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/12/2023 at 10:00 AM

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Delivered during the Sunday morning worship service, 03/12/2023. After the stunning display of His refulgent glory on the Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus descended the mountain to find controversy, apostasy and evil at its base. After once again revealing His divine power by casting out a particularly tenacious demon, the crowd marveled at His majesty. But even while they are marveling, Jesus takes the opportunity to privately tell His disciples once again that He must be delivered into the hands of lawless men to be killed. Understandably, the apostles are confused as they try to grapple with the idea of the divine Son of God dying at the hands of mortal men. But as we will see this is an essential doctrine of Christianity-- that Jesus is the Incarnate Logos who came as a substitutionary sacrificial atonement for the sins of the elect. We will consider both aspects of this critical doctrine and its importance to the Christian faith. Ultimately, we will explore the confusion of the apostles and the reason this great truth was concealed from them-- and through this increase our own understanding of the Person of Jesus Christ as the Majestic Suffering Servant.