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Cultivating Joy

by Rev. Kirby Williams

Understanding and cultivating God's supernatural gift of joy.

Text: Phil. 4:4-5
Date: 02/16/2025, the Evening service.
Series: "Evenfall; Sunday Evening Worship" Part 30

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Paul continues to describe virtues and principles that bring Christ-like growth and stability to both individuals and the church. In this lesson we will consider two of these principles: rejoicing in the Lord always, and living lives of gracious humility so that all may see. After making our way through the text, we will focus on what it really means to rejoice and how Paul can tell us to "rejoice always", even when we do not "feel" like rejoicing. To understand this we will delve into the true meaning of Christian joy, what it is, what it is not, and how it differs from the world's view of joy. Ultimately we will realize that joy is a supernatural gift of God that transcends circumstances and the closer we are to Jesus, the more we will cultivate true Christian joy.

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I. Introduction
II. Exposition of the text, Phil. 4:4-5.
A. Context
B. Learning to rejoice.
1. Rejoicing in the Lord, vs. 4.
2. Learning forbearance, vs. 5.
a. A rich word, Phil. 1:27.
b. The Lord is near.
i. The Parousia, Phil. 3:20.
ii. To be near.
iii. Words of encouragement.
C. Excursus on Joy.
1. Looking at the words.
a. An emphatic command.
b. The source of joy, John 16:33.
c. The persistence of joy.
2. Understanding joy.
a. What it does not mean.
i. Joy is not an emotion.
ii. Joy is not happiness.
b. Joy is a gift of God.
i. Joy is a gift, Gal. 5:22-23.
ii. Joy is supernatural.
iii. Joy transcends circumstances, Phil. 1:28-30, 3:2,18,19-21, 4:2.
III. Application: Cultivating Joy.
IV. Conclusion: Rejoicing in Jesus.

The Preaching Ministry of Kirby Williams

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