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Bible Study: The AfterChurch; 3/9/2025

"Seeking deeper illumination from God's Word after the message: 'Caesar's Authority'."

Recorded on: Sunday, 03/09/2025 at 12:00 PM

Click here to view the Original Stream


The "AfterChurch" is sort of like an adult Sunday School, but a little more expansive in scope. Sometimes material that enhances the Sunday sermon will be shared and we will dig deeper into the text. Sometimes another passage in Scripture will be studied. Sometimes events that affect our church and our lives will be discussed. Sometimes we will spend part of the time in prayer. Sometimes it will be a mixture of some or all of these! And always, regardless of what the subject is, there will be time for questions and discussion. You may join us either in the Sanctuary immediately after the service (around 11:45 AM), or online via the stream which can be accessed by clicking the graphic above. I hope you will join us!