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Bible Study: The Acts of the Apostles; 3/5/2025

"A comprehensive exegetical study of the book of Acts. Continuing with study sheet #22, section C,1,a,ii; 'Petitioning the high priest, vs. 1b.'"

Recorded on: Wednesday, 03/05/2025 at 06:30 PM

Click here to view the Rumble Stream


Tonight (Wednesday, 03/05/2025) at 06:30 PM, we will continue our Bible study of Acts. It will be a streamed study, broadcast live from the Sanctuary, so you can attend in person if you prefer. Make sure you read the instructions above on how to access the stream. In this study we pay particular attention to the mission and purpose of the church as it was defined in the first century, and the missionary outreach of the church as it should be implemented by the church in all ages I can think of no better way to strengthen and encourage ourselves during this difficult crisis than to pour ourselves into the Word of God. So please-- join me at 06:30 PM for a study of the Gospel of Acts. .